Loan of Club Kit

Only club members who are full members (annual not day), who are aged 18 years or over and who have passed 2 star in the relevant craft may borrow club kit and boats.

They may borrow boats and kit for themselves and up to 3 other people*. People using kit who are not full members must  pay for day-membership for every day the kit is borrowed for.

Day-members using borrowed club kit, must be in the presence of the full-member who borrowed it.

Exceptions to the above are authorised club events (trips, coaching session etc) where the club event is aimed at those below 2 star, or where the authorised lead coach / trip leader has agreed to specific individuals below 2 star attending.

Individual exceptions to the above will be considered on an individual basis. Requests should be made in good time via email to the Quartermasters Trips Officer, cc Training Officer. Written confirmation (email) from Trips the QM or Training Officer will be needed before any kit/boats may be taken.

Whilst Bath Canoe Club allows the borrowing of kit to members who meet the above criteria, the Club takes no responsibility for anyone who is not on an authorised club event. If you are unsure, do not go. Instead please seek advice from more experienced paddlers, or find a club event suitable for your level of experience.

Insurance: the club has insurance for kit whilst it is on site and appropriately secured. Anyone taking kit off site (including paddling on the river from the clubhouse) is responsible for all kit they unlock, remove or use.

*The policy is aimed at allowing members to share their enjoyment of canoeing with friends and family. Club kit, boats or other facilities may not be used for personal gain.
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